Instructions:  This form is to be used in making an initial referral to County Department(s), recording date and outcome of review by county and for making referral to the State Conflict Resolution Team (CRT).



Identifying Information


Name of Person making the referral:


Complete mailing address of person making the referral:


Daytime phone number of person making the referral (include area code):



E-mail address of Person making the referral




Person making the referral is:

  Foster Parent

  County Supervisor


  Social Worker

  Foster Parent Liaison


  Other, please identify role  ____________________________________



Foster parent is approved by____________________ County DHR 

Child/sib group involved is in custody of ________________________________________________________________________________________



Children Involved:


Full Name


Full Name


































Your complaint deals with:

  Problem with communication between line worker and the foster parent – lack of courtesy, respect, professionalism in communication such as failing to return phone calls, failure to listen to concerns, etc.

  Lack of responsiveness to requests by the foster parent for assistance in dealing with the children in care

  Removal of children without due notice according to applicable policies and standards

  Issues of potential safety risks to children

  Failure to follow policies

  Failure to arrange needed services for the child/foster family

  Failure to schedule an ISP as requested

  Situations where the foster parent or SDHR has identified trends by county as it relates to appropriate grievance issues

  Closure of a home by DHR

  Failure to abide by provisions of Foster Parent Bill of Rights. Specify which provisions: ______________________________________


 Other ________________________________________________________________________________




In a BRIEF PARAGRAPH summarize your complaint and your desired outcome for this referral (do not simply say, “see attached documentation”).

*Attach supporting documentation to this referral form.








Documentation of local review:


Date referral initially made with the local agency:________________


Referral was filed initially with:__________________________________________

Name of Person(s)



Position of Person(s)


Referral was ______hand delivered               _____sent US mail                 ______sent via email


If a local review was conducted (meeting held) date of meeting:__________________


Briefly describe outcome of meeting:___________________________________________________________




___________________________________                          _________________________________________

Signature person making the CRT referral                            Signature local review liaison or meeting facilitator



If resolution was not reached at the local level and a review by the State Conflict Team is desired, person making referral should mail this form to:         State of Alabama Department of Human Resources

Gordon Persons Building

Family Services Division, Office of Permanency

ATTN: CRT liaison

50 Ripley Street

Montgomery, Al 36130


Upon the liaison’s receipt of this referral form an acknowledgement letter will be sent and requests for records made.  State CRT members and others will be notified of referral and notification of next standing meeting date will be provided.