Alabama Foster & Adoptive Parent Association

AFAPA Contitution & By - Laws Updated May 2011

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Alabama Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, Inc.


Article I.  Name

The name by which the corporation shall be known is Alabama Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, Inc.

Article II.  Purpose

To act as a unified voice in serving, advocating, promoting and encouraging foster and adoptive parents as we serve Alabama’s children and their families.

Article III.  Nature of the Association

1.   This association shall be incorporated, self-governing, non-profit, non-partisan, and non-sectarian.  The association shall solicit and receive funds for the accomplishment and furtherance of the constitution and by-laws.

2.      The association shall not engage in activities other than those that would be in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II of the Constitution, and in no event shall any such activities be in contravention of law or of provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article IV. Officers

1.      The executive officers of the association shall be a president, two vice       

 presidents, secretary and treasurer.  The duties of the officers shall be set forth in the by-laws of the association.

2.      The board of directors shall consist of the five (5) elected officers and a minimum of six (6) regional representatives; the immediate past president; members-at-large chosen from throughout the state because of their interest in foster and/or adoptive care as set forth in the by-laws of the association; no more than two (2) designated liaisons from the Alabama Department of Human Resources.

Article V. Meetings 

The association shall meet at least one (1) time annually.  Said meeting is to be held at the call of the Board of Directors or as set forth in the by-laws.

Article VI. Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution may be made by a majority vote of the current membership present at the annual meeting.  A copy of said amendments to be mailed to the voting constituency at least thirty days (30) prior to the annual conference business meeting.

Alabama Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, Inc.



Article I.  Name

            The name of the corporation shall be Alabama Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, Inc., referred to as the association in these by-laws.

Article II.  Membership

Section I.  Types of Membership

(A)   Regular Membership will be available to all individual foster parents and kinship care foster parents approved and residing in the state of Alabama and adoptive parents residing in the state of Alabama.  Regular members will have the right to vote on all matters brought to members of the association.

(B)   Supportive Membership shall be available to individuals and organizations wishing to support the purposes and efforts of this association.  The benefits of this membership include attending business meetings and receiving all mailings.  Supportive members do not have voting rights.  Individual supportive members providing care to related children in their homes who do not qualify for Regular Membership will not be required to pay dues.  The request for supportive membership must be submitted to the secretary of the Alabama Foster and Adoptive Parent Association.

(A)  Chapter Membership will be available to any foster and adoptive parent association in Alabama, approved by the Alabama Foster and Adoptive Parent Association board of directors.  An association receiving chapter membership must operate in a consistent manner with the by-laws and constitution of the state association.  Benefits to local associations receiving chapter membership include attending meetings, receiving all mailings, and the state association accepting tax-deductible contributions for the local association.  All monetary contributions will go through the state association treasurer and ninety percent (90%) of the funds returning to the local association.  The retained funds will be used for the purposes of the association as set forth in the by-laws and constitution of the Alabama Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, Inc.  Guidelines and procedures will be provided to any qualified local association chapter membership.  Chapter members do not have voting rights.

Section 2.  Dues

            (A) Dues of the association may be changed by a two-thirds vote of the Board of

                  Directors present.

            (B) Supportive membership shall be a minimum of $10.00 per twelve (12)

                  consecutive months except for related caregivers as provided  in Article II, Section 1(B).

(C)  Chapter membership shall be a minimum of $150.00 per twelve (12)

consecutive months.

Section 3.  Membership Year

                 The membership year shall be for a period of twelve (12) months concurrent with the accounting year.

Article III.  Officers and Duties

Section 1.  Enumeration and Qualification

(A)  The elected officers of the association shall be a president, two vice  

presidents, secretary, and treasurer.  Each officer

must be a member in good standing of the Alabama Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, Inc. during their term of office.

(B)   The immediate past president of the association will

serve on the board in an advisory capacity for the term immediately following his/her term of office, provided he/she has completed the full term of office as president.)

(C)   Regional representatives are chosen by the executive committee.  Each of the regional representatives must be a member in good standing of the Alabama Foster and Adoptive Parent Association during his/her term of office.

(D)  Members-at-large may be appointed to the board by the executive committee  

for a minimum term of two (2) years.  Members-at-large will be individuals who have demonstrated an interest in the welfare of foster, adoptive and birth families and their children.  Each member-at-large will be a voting member of the board receiving one (1) vote.

(E)   Two (2) state liaisons, one (1) each from the fields of foster care and adoption, will be designated by the Alabama Department of Human Resources, with approval of the association’s board of directors.  The state liaisons will serve in an advisory capacity as a non-voting, ex officio member and will attend meetings and conferences as requested.

Section 2.  Duties of the Officers

All officers must forward all records of their office to the incoming officer   by the first day of the next accounting year.

(A)  The president shall be the chief executive officer whose duties and

responsibilities include:

1.   Preside at all meetings of the association, the board of directors and state conferences.

2.   Be responsible for the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the association.

3.   Have the authority to appoint the chairman of all standing committees and appoint committees as needed by the association.

4.   Be a member ex officio with one (1) vote on all contracts or obligations authorized by the board of directors.

5.   Sign all contracts on obligations authorized by the board of directors.

6.   Represent the state association officially and publicly.

7.   Perform other duties as provided by these by-laws or as designated by the board.

8.   Have one (1) vote in the event of a tie vote of the board of directors.

(B)   The 2 vice presidents shall:

One (1) Vice President of Foster Care Affairs shall be an approved foster parent.  One (1) Vice President of Adoption Affairs shall be an adoptive parent.                                                                                                                                                                     

1.   Act in the stead of the president.  Should the presidency be declared

vacant, the board of directors shall appoint one (1) vice president to complete the term of office.

2.  Serve as co-chairpersons of the annual training conference.

3.      The vice presidents shall co-ordinate works of all committees

and submit quarterly reports on their activities to all board members at each board meeting. Co-ordinate all activities concerning foster care and adoption.

4.      Perform other duties as designated by the president or the board. 

                        5.  Co-ordinate all training meetings with

                              regional representatives.

                        6.   Each vice president has one (1) vote


(C) The secretary shall:

1.  Keep all records of the executive board, board of directors and general membership meetings.

2.  Submit to the president and those others the president might designate, a copy of any and all minutes taken                                           within four (4) weeks of said meeting.

3.  Be prepared to inform the president of the number of qualified members at any and all meetings.

4.  Update the constitution and by-laws of the association making necessary changes as directed by the                                    association.

                        5.  Be responsible for all official association correspondence.

                        6.  Serve a chairperson of the membership committee.

7.  Serve as the official liaison to local associations concerning Chapter Membership.        

8.  Perform other duties as designated by the president or the executive board. 

                        9.  Have one (1) vote.

(D) The treasurer shall:

1.  Be responsible for collecting and safeguarding all the funds of the association. 

2.  Be responsible for the timely disbursement of association funds as authorized by the president of the association and the board of directors.


3.  Submit all financial records to the board of directors for audit on call.

4.  Make regular reports to the general membership at the annual meeting.

            5.  Be properly bonded at the discretion of the board of directors.  

6.  Provide monthly financial reports to the executive board and quarterly reports to all board members.        

7.  Be responsible for all personnel and tax records of any employees of the association.

8.  Have the financial records ready for an audit committee of no less than three (3) member of the association at the end of each membership year.   

9.  Perform other duties as designated by the president or the executive board.

          10.  Have one (1) vote.


 (E) Regional Representatives shall:

1.  Plan and coordinate trainings with the vice presidents of the Association, chairpersons of the training committee, and the SDHR liaisons.    

2.  Represent the interests of foster and adoptive parents within his/her region.

3.  Assist in the development and growth of local foster and/or adoptive parent associations with the region.

4.  Perform other duties as designated by the president or the executive board.  

                        5.  Work in partnership with professional representative within the region.

                        6.  Have one (1) vote per region.

Section 3.  Nominations and Elections

            The term of office for each officer shall be for a period of two (2) years.

       (A)   Elections of the officers of this association will be held at the        

annual training conference. The terms of the officers-elect will begin on the first day of the next accounting year.

(B)  A nominating committee, which shall be appointed by the president will be comprised of five (5) board members.  The committee shall present a

slate of officers to the voting constituency for consideration and proposed


(C)  Any member nominated must be present to verify their eligibility and accept their nomination.

                   (D)    Any elected officer or committee member may be relieved of duties and

Removed from office because of misconduct of a nature that reflects discredit on her/himself or on the association by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the board of directors present. If for any reason an elected officer cannot complete a term, the board of directors shall appoint a person to complete the term.

Section 4.  Employment Positions

(A)  Upon approval of the board, employees may be hired at the discretion of the executive committee.  No active board of directors member may fill any paid employee position.

(B)   Employment is at will and as funds are available.

(C)   Employees may serve on the board of directors in an advisory capacity only.

            (D) Have no vote.

Article IV.  Board of Directors and Committees

Section 1.

            The executive authority of the association shall be vested in the board of directors, which shall be responsible for the management and property of the association.  The board of directors shall consist of the following members: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, regional representatives, the immediate past president, members-at-large and designated liaisons of the SDHR.

Section 2.

            All members of committees shall be members in good standing of the state association and local association where applicable.

(A)  Finance committee shall work to identify funding sources for the operation of  

the association and in developing the annual budget.  The finance committee

shall consist of the treasurer and three (3) to five (5) additional board members.

(B)   Conference committee shall consist of the vice presidents and two (2) or more additional board members.  The committee will plan and implement

the annual conference of the association and other duties as designated by

the board of directors.

(C)   Training and education committee will coordinate with the conference

Committee and with regional representatives to assist in scheduling workshops and other training opportunities sponsored by the association.

(D)  Legislative committee shall promote and support favorable legislation, local,

state and national that pertains to children and/or foster and adoptive care issues.  The committee will advise all members of the association as to recommended action to be taken concerning such legislation.

(E)   Constitution and By-laws committee will propose any changes as needed in

the constitution or by-laws.  Any member may make proposals to the committee regarding changes.  Changes in the constitution and by-laws will first be submitted to the board of directors for its recommendation and then voted on by a majority of members present at the annual meeting.  Changes must be submitted to the entire membership of the association thirty(30) days prior to the annual meeting.

(F)    Membership committee will develop ways to track and increase the

membership of the association.  The committee will be responsible for sending membership forms to former members sixty (60) days before the beginning of a new membership year when applicable.

(G)  Executive committee shall consist of the executive board.  They shall be

responsible for appointing members-at-large and regional representatives.  With the board of director’s approval, they shall be responsible for the hiring and management of any employees.

(H)  Public relations committee shall be responsible for preparing and releasing

information to all media outlets on behalf of the association with the approval of the executive board.  They shall be responsible for the awards recipient process and the awards given at the annual training conference.

(I)     Scholarship committee will be responsible for securing grants and donations

to provide funds for academic and/or vocational scholarships for youth in foster care, adoptive or birth families.  Secure funds for scholarships for the professional development for members of the association and board of directors.

(J)     Historical committee will be responsible for gathering, updating and

organizing information pertaining to the association.  They will be responsible for presenting the information, in display form, at the annual training conference.

            (K) Advocacy committee will be responsible for advocating on behalf of foster

                  and adoptive parents, the children in foster care and their families. They will

be responsible for empowering/training foster and adoptive parents, and empowering the age appropriate children in foster care and their families to advocate on their own behalf. They will be responsible for maintaining confidentiality at all times.


                        Other committees may be established as deemed necessary by the board of directors.

Section 3.

              The board of directors shall hold regular quarterly meetings.  Newly elected officers will set the date of the first quarterly meeting within thirty (30) days of taking office.  At each quarterly meeting the date of the next quarterly meeting will be set.  An agenda will be mailed to each board member at least seven (7) days prior to the board meeting.  All board meetings are open to association members.

            Any board member missing two (2) consecutive board meetings is subject to termination of his/her office upon the decision of the executive committee.  The board of directors will appoint a replacement for each office.

Section 4.

            The board of directors may, without meeting together between quarterly meetings, transact business by mail, email or telephone by voting upon proposed resolutions with the approval of the president.

Section 5. 

Duties of the board of directors shall be:

(A)  To interpret and enforce the provisions of the constitution and by-laws of the


(B)   To promote by attitude and action constructive social action needed to bring

about changes and improvements in the child welfare systems and in legislation pertaining to all children and families.

(C)   To act as an information center and research body regarding constitutional

matters, finance, education, legislative actions and to disseminate such information.

(D)  To provide a vehicle for communication among foster and adoptive parents,

local foster and adoptive parents, or foster and/or adoptive associations and child welfare agencies.

(E)   To cooperate with other organizations which have similar objectives in whole

or part to those of this association.

Article V.  Meetings

Section 1.

            The members of the association shall meet annually at the association training conference.  The board of directors shall determine the location. Members may hold a special meeting as deemed necessary by the board of directors or a group of fifty (50) members of the association may call for a special meeting of the association.  The president will set the location. 

            A special meeting or the board of directors may be called by any three (3) members of the board of directors.

Section 2.

Notice of special meetings of the association will be sent to all members at least

 fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.

            Notice of special meetings of the board of directors will be sent to all members of the board at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.

Section 3.

            Roberts’ Rules of Order shall be the procedure in all meetings of the association.

Section 4.

            Except as otherwise provided by the articles of incorporation, the constitution, or by-laws a simple majority of those members present and entitled to vote shall carry the question at any meeting of the members of the association.  Members of the association shall not be permitted to vote by proxy at any meeting of the members.

Article VI.  Policy

Section 1.

            The association shall be self-governing, non-profit, non-partisan, and non-sectarian and shall not discriminate against any person as a result of sex, race, creed, religion or national origin.

Section 2.

The association shall solicit and receive funds for the accomplishment and furtherance of these by-laws.

Section 3.

            The association shall not engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are contrary to the law or to the primary purposes for which this association was formed.

Article VII.  Amendment

            The by-laws of this association may be added to, amended, repealed or revised in whole or in part by majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting of the association, provided that written notice of intention to add, amend, repeal or to revise the by-laws in whole or in part has been given to each member at least thirty (30) days prior to scheduled meeting.

Article VIII. Dissolution

In the case of dissolution of the association, all assets and property of the association will be disbursed with payment being made to creditors and all remaining assets being distributed to other 501(c)(3) non-profit Foster, Kinship or Adoptive Parent organizations in the State of Alabama.

Revised May 2011

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The Constitution and By - Laws were updated and Approved at the AFAPA Annual membership meeting May 18th, 2007

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